29 September 2024

Brazo del Este

 Great day out birding, headed  down to El Brazo del Este
for a day of bird watching and some photography.

Little Stint

Slender billed Gull

Ringed Plover

Slender billed Gull

Slender billed Gull

Curlew Sandpiper

Little Stint

Caspian Tern

Caspian Tern

Caspian Tern


Curlew Sandpiper

Spectacled Warbler

Spectacled Warbler


Green Sandpiper

Spectacled Warbler

Spectacled Warbler


Wood Sandpiper




Slender billed Gull

Slender billed Gull

Pied Flycather

Littlle Grebe

Thank you for your visit ,see you all soon.

16 September 2024

 Our first outing after the summer break'
Just a short one down to Tarifa and Barbate.

Bee Eater

Wood Sandpiper

Bee Eater

Bee Eater

Common Snipe

Juvenile Woodchat Shrike

Common Snipe

Common Snipe

Common Snipe

Wood Sandpiper

Wood Sandpiper

Wood Sandpiper

Thank you for visiting, will be back soon.

15 May 2024

Centro Visitant Jose Antonio Valverde and Dehesa de Abajo.

 A very successful outing on this occasion,we headed down to
La Dehesa De  Abajo in Coria del Rio and continued on to Centro 
Visitante Jose Antonio Valverde which is all part of Donana 
National Park. It was so good to see this area teaming  with
so much bird life once again and all due to the last heavy 
rains .

Woodchat Shrike

Woodchat Shrike

Greater Short toed Lark

Black Kite

Black Kite

Squacco Heron

  • White Headed Duck
  • White Wagtail
  • Yellow Wagtail
  • Bee - Eater
  • Cattle Egret
  • Great White Egret
  • Little Egret
  • Spotless Starling
  • Greater Flamingo
  • Black Winged Stilt

Purple Heron

Squacco Heron

Squacco Heron

Ferruginous Duck

Purple Heron

Black Kite

Ferruginous Duck

Whiskered Tern
  • Gadwall 
  • Garganey
  • Coot
  • Magpie
  • Crested Coot
  • Squacco Heron
  • Black Crowned Night Heron
  • Grey Heron
  • Purple Heron
Ferruginous Duck

Black Kite

Black Kite

Purple Heron

Gull billed Tern


Whiskered Tern

  • Moorhen
  • Northern Shoveler
  • Black Headed Gull
  • Shelduck
  • Hoopoe
  • Lesser Kestrel
  • Corn Bunting
  • Spoonbill

Purple Heron

Purple Heron

Purple Heron

Purple Heron

Crested Coot

Crested Coot

Gull billed Tern

Gull billed Tern

Whiskered Tern

Whiskered Tern

Gull billed Tern

  • Glossy Ibis
  • Short toed Snake Eagle
  • Black Kite
  • Booted Eagle
  • Griffon Vulture
  • Spotted Flycatcher
  • Stonechat
  • Northern Wheatear
  • Woodchat Shrike
  • Pochard

Ferruginous Duck

Purple Heron

Purple Heron

Purple Heron

Purple Heron

Gull billed Tern

Gull billed Tern

Gull billedTern

Squacco Heron

Squacco Heron

Red Crested Pochard

Red Crested Pochard

Purple Heron

Whiskered Tern
  • Red Crested Pochard
  • White Stork
  • Crested Lark
  • Little Grebe
  • Black-necked Grebe
  • Crested Grebe
  • Marbled Duck
  • Mallard
  • Great Reed Warbler
  • Whiskered Tern

Black Crowned Night Heron

Black Crowned Night Heron

Whiskered Tern

Whiskered Tern

Whiskered Tern


Red Crested Pochard

Red Crested Pochard

Red Crested Pochard

Purple Heron
  • Collared Dove
  • Wood Pigeon
  • Turtle Dove
  • Chiff Chaff
  • Dunlins
  • Avocet
  • Spanish Sparrow

Gull billed Tern


Purple Heron

Black Crowned Night Heron

Black Crowned Night Heron

Marbled Duck

Marbled Duck

White Stork 

White Stork 

White Stork 

Turtle Dove

Turtle Dove

Turtle Dove

Northern Shoveler

Purple Heron

Northern Shoveler


Black necked Grebe



Spotted Flycatcher 

Woodchat Shrike

Crested lark

Northern Wheatear

Black necked Grebe

Black necked Grebe


Booted Eagle
  • Gull billed tern 
  • Shelduck
  • Common Buzzard
  • Redkite
  • Marsh Harrier
  • Sardinian Warbler
  • Fantailed Warbler

Purple Heron

Red Crested Pochard

Black Necked Grebe

Marbled Duck

Purple Heron


Ferruginous Duck

Ferruginous Duck

Well we hope you all enjoyed this post, we had a great time 
out there.Will to be back soon.

Thank you for your visit.